Técnicas de Conducción Deportiva en BMW: Domina a la Perfección tu Vehículo

Sports Driving Techniques in BMW: Master Your Vehicle Perfectly

Sports driving is an art that requires both skills and a suitable vehicle, and when we talk about vehicles, BMW stands out as one of the most prestigious and sporty brands on the market. In this article, we show you the best sports driving techniques so you can get the most out of your BMW and live the experience to the limit.

1. Get to know your BMW in depth

The first step to sporty driving is knowing your vehicle. Get familiar with the engine , suspension , brakes and other features that make your BMW unique. Each model has its own particularities, so be sure to read the manual and consult reliable sources.

2. Proper Driving Posture

A good driving posture is essential. Sit upright, adjust the backrest and seat so that your arms and legs are slightly bent. Make sure you can easily access all controls without leaving your seat.

3. Advanced Braking Techniques

Braking is crucial in sports driving. Learn to use engine braking and trail braking . Engine braking will help you reduce speed without wearing out the brakes, while trail braking will allow you to take maximum speed to the apex of the curve.

4. Acceleration and Use of the Throttle

Acceleration is not just pressing the pedal. Learn to modulate the throttle for maximum traction. When cornering, accelerate gently at the beginning and progressively increase pressure as you exit the corner to ensure maximum grip.

5. Curve Tracing

Learning to draw curves correctly is vital. Identify the entry point , apex and exit point of each curve. Maintain a smooth path and use all permitted track to maximize speed.

6. Steering Wheel Control

Steering wheel operation must be precise and smooth. Avoid sudden movements and use both hands, following a technique of short, controlled movements. This will allow you to maintain control in high speed situations.

7. Importance of Tires

Tires are the only part of the car that is in contact with the ground, so keep them in optimal condition. Check the pressure and make sure they have enough tread to provide the necessary grip.

8. Practice, Practice and more Practice

There is no substitute for practice. Take part in track days and driving courses to improve your skills. Practice in a safe, controlled environment to safely learn the limits of your BMW.


With these sports driving techniques, you can fully enjoy your BMW and take your skills to the next level. Always remember to drive safely and responsibly, and enjoy the art of driving!

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